Chesapeake Theological Seminary (CTS) is a division of Chesapeake Christian Training Center (CCTC). These Ministries grew out of the concern of a group of Baltimore area pastors and lay leaders who, in the fall and winter of 1982, began to consider how to devise a means of training people for ministry that would join the Reformed tradition of academic excellence with intensive practical ministry experience in a local church context. Their goal was to create a ministry that would draw on the full resources of the local church by involving pastors and lay leaders in participative training role alongside qualified theological instructors, at the same time allowing students to continue to serve in leadership roles in their own local churches. more
The mission of Chesapeake Seminary is four-fold:
· To provide a theological education in which students encounter the glory of the Triune God, an encounter that will overflow in a passion to see that glory declared among the nations. ... read more
Contemporary culture presents an unprecedented challenge to the local church and its leaders as they seek to interpret the Scriptures, effectively communicate the Gospel, and lead Christian communities. Among the factors contributing to the challenge are the following ... read more
About CTS
Statement of Faith
The Chesapeake Theological Seminary statement of faith reflects both the Reformed theological distinctives of the ministry and our dedication to meaningful Kingdom progress through changed lives:
· We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the universe, the co-eternal Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ... read more
Theological Distinctives
The Chesapeake Theological Seminary statement of faith is worked out in a set of distinctives that describes the theological perspective represented in our ministry:
· We are committed to an acceptance of the sovereign reign of the Triune God over all things, expressed in His self-contained Being and His Kingdom. ... read more
Educational Distinctives
As a nontraditional institution, Chesapeake Seminary holds to a distinctive educational philosophy. That philosophy is reflected in all aspects of the training program and may be summarized as follows:
· We believe that the Holy Spirit, working with the Word of God, is the primary instructional resource in the teaching and learning process. ... read more
Chesapeake Seminary is certified by the Commission on Higher Education of the state of Maryland and the Virginia Council for Higher Education and New York (pending) to offer degrees in religious higher education.